The Chrysalis had been curled up in that cocoon for what seemed like an eternity.
Waiting, waiting in the dark Knowing, knowing and hoping But not really knowing That a whole new, never-before-seen world awaited her In that endless darkness, as she grew and expanded and evolved, glimmerings of awareness and rememberings showed her the roadmap. Bit by bit, the pieces of the puzzle slowly began to flow together into one coherent whole. Some parts… clear as a bell And others…shadowy, still forming It had been hard becoming a ‘nothing’. All vestiges of her old self, her old life… some amazing, much quite mediocre. But still it was some form of a life… Slowly disappeared, as step by step Anything that resembled a functioning being was inexorably, unfairly, inexplicably taken away. And over time, as she dissolved into nothingness, The quiet disquiet, the puzzlement, the confusion Was replaced by a silent surrender to something greater, Something wordlessly unseen… in the very, very back of her consciousness, the potent seed, the potentiality, the vision remained. The vision for the New Earth Because you see, as she was disappearing, So too was the Old Earth… the tired, ravaged Old Earth. Mother…Mother Gaia She had become tired of the dark ones ravaging her oceans, soil and air Of the endless wars and political bickering Of the dastardly mass mind control. Of the endless attempts to eradicate in the millions, her beloved unique special humans She had had enough It was time for her to blossom – to flourish, to evolve, to share her bounty with the magnificent, innocent beings living upon her. And in order to do that, she had to throw off the dark ones Like fleas on a cat. And how did she do that?? Well, that’s a whole other story… A story to be told around winter fires With wide eyed children listening rapturously to the stories told by the wise elders Not the sleepers, But the ones who had the courage to know what was going on To question, to fight, to refuse to comply. The Light-Lovers who refused to give in to the dark Who, looking around that fire circle As they now see the glowing potential of those children becoming truly possible They know …that it was ALL worth it. So many heroic stories of death, destruction and delight … but back to Madame Chrysalis. As everything was taken away from her… Friends, family, work, money, achievement, health, youth All the subtle and not so subtle signals of some-bodiness Any vestiges of egoic existence dissipated into the crystalline slime But somewhere in that cocooned darkness, the blueprint remained. She knew that she was not just destined to be a butterfly flutterbying beautifully But also a Crystalline Creator of the New Earth A designer, an ambassador, a seed holder, a visionary, a poet. She saw it clearly… but like layers within layers…quantum fractals… Like a quantum cauliflower, endlessly repeating the same patterns She knew that all that endless waiting and destruction of her some-body-ness Was the essential shaping of a new all that Is-ness. A truly freed creator being Ready to burst forth like a seed unable to hold itself back any more The All that is necessary, the warmth, the moisture, the unstoppable blueprint of that which so many have yearned for in every cell of their being. Our Crystal Chrysalis found herself breaking free from the last confines of her seemingly endless prison. Burst forth with love and skill and powerful intent To at last, do and be what she was designed to do and be. Living the full potential of her divine blueprint. And as the many needed changes began to proliferate across the planet, As the darkness disappeared… The people of Gaia breathed a sigh of relief As at last, after billions of years of pain and suffering and pointless wars and disagreements Peace and Abundance and Creativity engulfed, mesmerised and delighted the people of Mother Earth. And now it begins. |
AuthorSystems-Buster, Culture Creator, Visionary, Community -Builder, Writer and Speaker and Facilitator Archives
January 2025