The most important lesson a male needs to learn to retain membership of the Man Box is: Don’t be a Girl. Whatever you do, under all circumstances, no matter what… Don’t be a girl Don’t look like a girl – don’t smell like a girl – don’t wear girl clothes – don’t do girl things like dance or like ballet – don’t do a girl job – don’t feel – don’t empathise - don’t cry – don’t negotiate (especially with a girl) – don’t go to the doctor till the last minute – don’t lose - don’t fail. If you do, you will be shamed, and abused… and even violenced till you learn to get back in that box. And if you rebel or just don’t get it, And wear pink or purple or polka dots to the building site one day… the rejection from the Man Club is often too great to bear. Its better to be dead. And who does this shaming and abusing? Other men. Women do their fair share. But mostly, its men. All those girly qualities rejected again and again. And then you spend your whole life trying to get back into that womb, to get even a taste of that feminine. You want it so bad, like an addict, you think about it day and night, you will take it, you will spend lots of money to get it, you will destroy your marriage for it, lose your kids, you will rape it, you will kill for it. But that normal softer part of you, that society mistakenly calls ‘feminine’, Is an integral part of you. But you have to cut it off, truncate it, squash and distort it Till all that is left, is a cartoonish empty caricature of ‘what it means to be a ‘real man’. You are caught in the most horrifying paradox of all Don’t be a girl – but you got to have the girl. This endless impossible quest rips you apart internally. And as you rip those muscles at the gym, mistakenly thinking that the girl (who you unconsciously despise) will want you more when you look that way, You are filled with an unspeakable rage at the unfairness, the confusion, the overwhelming difficulty of the task. To keep the girl, to get the sex, to fill the emptiness, You have to understand what makes her tick, What she wants, what turns her on… This being that you have been taught again and again and again To despise To despise most every quality that she embodies And yet you can’t get enough… The emptiness calls And if she opens her mouth to express anything that doesn’t fit into your picture of how she should be, if she’s not totally grateful for all the effort you put in To toil endless hours at that job Build that house, Mow that lawn And if she won’t ‘give’ you sex, the sex that you deserve, that you are owed For having to spend a lifetime crushing that girl part. Then you have every right to get it elsewhere, in whatever way you can And at whatever cost. Because deep down, you suspect you may be nothing without that girl part That if you cant fill yourself from that girl cup, You are starved and empty and worthless And life is meaningless So, you feel that righteous anger rise within you. The anger that comes from deep, deep powerlessness The powerlessness that comes from you don’t know that you don’t know that you don’t know And so, you take it out on them. After all, they are weaker. It’s not so hard when they don’t fight back. Crush that bitch, crush her as hard as you have crushed yourself. As hard as your father or teacher or boss or friend Crushed the aliveness, the creativity, the joy, the soft squishiness of you The you that lives in the straightjacket, the suffocating confines of that ManBox The ManBox that you might not have known even existed. Until now... Copywrite Frances Amaroux 2019 And here is Justin Baldoni - actor - beautifully expressing the same idea.
AuthorSystems-Buster, Culture Creator, Visionary, Community -Builder, Writer and Speaker and Facilitator Archives
January 2025