![]() At first glance, this looks like a reasonable comment.
So lets dig deeper. Let's explore the role of adjectives. Adjectives are used to describe nouns i.e. things or concepts. We can have a noun on its own - like Apple. Or a noun with a descriptor/adjective ie Red Apple. For people who know that apples come in many colours, shapes and sizes, at no time do we make the assumption that ALL apples are red. So, if someone uses the phrase 'red apple' - we can safely assume that ALL red apples are red... and they are not green or yellow. So, when someone uses the term 'toxic masculinity', they are not describing ALL masculinities, they are describing the toxic forms. Hence, Masculinity just is as it IS... and toxic masculinity describes negative and harmful behaviours by some men ... but obviously, not ALL males. And we dont have to dig too deeply, to find endless examples of such behaviour. Books, movies and direct experience show the myriad forms of patriarchal, dominating, abusive and harmful behaviours by men over the milennia. No-one with their brain intact, can refute this. However, the joy of adjectives means we have a plethora of other adjectives to describe male behaviour/masculinity ie generous, supportive, kind, sexy, loving etc. So Masculinity can be toxic or awesome - depending on the actual behaviour of the male involved. It's dependent on behaviour, not what genitals you have. Now to the meme above... Did the writer mean it to be so obfuscating of the truth, or were they just trying hard, but confused?? I quote - "masculinity isn't toxic, the absence of it is." "Strong, masculine men are protective and loving." Really? Dont we all know plenty of strong masculine men who are the opposite?? The noun and adjective exist for a reason. There are plenty of men who are toxic, and have been all throughout history. And the form of masculinity that they aspire to, is the dominator/patriarchal kind. Not the healthy kind that many men live from. Who do you think does all the raping and bashing? Who do you think ends up in jail? Toxic abusive guys... often guys with higher testosterone - ie more masculine, not less. Saying their behaviour is a lack of masculinity has no basis in logic. Just another mindf**k to confuse people. The best way to get past the whole toxic masculinity thing, is for men to not follow in those dudes footsteps… And just be a great man. The wonderful thing is that there’s plenty of them out there. It’s become the latest thing, to be a strong, caring, non-abusive, healthy male. ![]() "What does it mean to be a man in America today? Young men are told that masculinity is “toxic,” traditional gender roles are oppressive, fathers are unnecessary, and women are no different from men. The cameras follow Aldo Buttazzoni as he searches for the truth and learns from renown relationship experts, psychologists, best-selling authors, and everyday people. This powerful little movie digs deep into the unprecedented challenges boys and men are facing in this rapidly changing world. Regardless if you’re a man or a woman, this movie contains valuable information for anyone who cares about the fate of our nation, and the future of humanity! PeagerU is offering the movie free of charge. Please watch and share with everyone you know! Watch here... Masculinity In America. " Mikki Willis ![]() Wisdom and Nature tells us that some things are binary/opposites... and some things are on a continuum. For instance Gender is binary (sorry folks, except for very very minor aberrations, there are only 2 genders - female and male.) And things like heat and cold have multiple distinctions.... from boiling to warm to neutral to cool to freezing. So Truth or Falsity is Binary - it is either True or False. It cannot be 'sort of ' True. Just as I can't be 'sort of' pregnant. I'm either pregnant or not. There is no such thing as 'my truth' compared to 'your truth'. Because that would put truth on a continuum. This popular concept of Relativism, has no basis in reality, and renders the concept of 'Truth' (with a capital 'T') as meaningless. But Opinion or Belief is a Continuum. So there can be my/your experience or my/your opinion - which can change and adapt and emerge. And yes, an experience or feeling or opinion can be true for you, but not necessarily for anyone else. For instance, if I tell you that I have seen fairies in the bottom of my garden, then that is my 'truth', and unless you have 100% proof discounting my experience (which is probably impossible), then you can't say I am lying. But equally it's not useful for me to insist that you believe in fairies, if you haven't experienced them. Hence they are my truth, but not yours. Even people who beleive in fairies have different degrees of belief... ie the belief is on a continuum. (By the way, I have seen fairies... that's another story ;-) Wisdom involves not mixing up these distinctions. Well I started building this blog about 5 or 6 years ago... and then maybe I got distracted with a bit of travelling... and then the Covid insanity? But anyhoo, I've decided to finish off this site properly... (which is doing my head in!) ... and start blogging more regularly. Both to just share my musings, and also to get me back into the idea of regularly writing. Which, hopefully will paradoxically re-invigorate me to finish off my recent book that I am threatening to release upon an unsuspecting public ;-).
![]() About 15 years ago, I went spontaneously into some sort of trance state and found myself in space floating around in a bubble. I floated around in space for a timeless amount of time (LOL) – unable to control my bubble, but extremely relaxed and surrendered, and in constant wonder for all of creation. I never saw any other people or entities during that ‘time’. Then ‘one day’, I noticed myself being drawn inexorably toward the Sun, and as I looked sideways, I saw a number of other beings in their bubbles… also moving silently towards the sun. I felt completely relaxed and peaceful about going towards the sun. And then all of a sudden, I found myself merging into the light… it wasn’t hot ( or cold) …my sense of self or beingness disappeared… and I was overwhelmed by the most inexpressible, ineffable feeling of LOVE and BLISS and EXPANSION. The experience lasted forever… timeless… I just knew that I was experiencing GOD/SOURCE. There was no separation between my so-called me and this ever expanding experience. LEARNINGS
Alpha and Omega PS – a few years ago I found the image above that describes the beginning of the experience to a T! I was amazed that someone could depict so clearly the experience I had prior to entering the sun. And below you can see some artistic depictions of something similar. |
AuthorSystems-Buster, Culture Creator, Visionary, Community -Builder, Writer and Speaker and Facilitator Archives
January 2025