When we talk about the Jewish Holocaust - it pales into comparison with the Witch Hunts conducted by the female-hating Catholic Church.
Centuries later, the Rockefellers provided the next kill-shot when they started funding male-only medical universities etc, which seriously weakened the impact of the, until then, mostly female healers. To this day, women are still dealing with the epigenetic trauma caused by this mass extermination of the feminine and the wholistic healer. What sort of sane society would give the job of birthing to men?? For years now and especially under cover of Covid, we are now in the Third Wave where midwifery is again under attack...and any form of alternative healing is again being weakened or eradicated. See here for a video exploring this topic in more detail The ‘Yeah, But You…’ Syndrome.
When you hear or read someone criticising you, or your sex, or your group etc, it’s a rare person who can exhibit the emotional intelligence not to fall into this bad habit.  Rather than addressing what has actually been said, most people find themselves immediately going on the defensive and saying," Yeah but you… !" It’s so much easier to go into blame and to essentially change the subject… rather than actually addressing what the original person said.  This is a classic (mostly unconscious) pattern with people in friendships and relationships, and it means that things rarely get sorted out - which of course, means the slow death of the relationship.  Much better to stay on point and address what the first person actually said. Find a way to truly understand them, before making a stand for yourself.  Be patient, your turn can always come later. That’s what it means to be an adult.  The only form of unconditional love is between a parent and their baby. Its all give and no take - except for the occasional smile and gurgle ;-)
 All other relationships are conditional. They are conditional upon care and respect and responsibility from both parties. In the same way that nature is conditional. If you break the laws, you get the consequence. And remember, a consequence is not a punishment,it flows naturally from your behaviour. If you are addicted to your phone, then your relationship will deteriorate. If you don't keep your agreements, ditto. The Trust gets undermined, the other person pulls away, and the relationship lives in suspended animation... or dies. We live in a world of Duality. Whatever you do, there is a consequence. And it is the duty of good parents to provide these consequences - else we have a culture of un-grounded, self-focussed children, teenagers and adults who don't know how to get on with each other. Just how the 'Powers that Be' like it. The deeper you look, the more it would appear that the negative controllers in our society are weaponising this ‘toxic masculinity’ phrase as a way to create even more division. It’s their age-old schtick. Just like they did with the Feminist movement, which these days resembles nothing like it was intended to be. Classic Feminism was simply about equal access to rights and resources. And surely no ethical person can quibble with that? But now we have the manipulated psyop of Neo-Feminism, which looks nothing like what Classic Feminism was designed to do ( more on this in future writings.)
But unless more men face their shadow - the shadow of their Patriarchal-Dominator past (and some present). Unless they truly learn to listen to how things have been ( and still are for many women), then they will never truly be able to come into sacred union with the Healed Feminine. I have great compassion for how men have been treated under this system. That is a whole other story which I will be dealing with in future posts!! But it was they who wield/ed unbalanced power, and therefore it is they who must take ownership of this and acknowledge the damage that has been wrought upon the Feminine. Similarly, if someone does wrong and ends up in jail, it’s much easier for people to be motivated to help and support them, if they own up to their part for whatever got them there. So, if men as a whole, refuse to acknowledge the horrors perpetrated against women for millennia, then it's impossible for us as a societal whole to move to the next stage to acknowledge the equally, but more subtle abuse that men experience under this Dominator System. Healers know that unless we individually face our shadow/demons and take full responsibility, then we will continue causing harm to ourselves or others. Hence why the Men’s movement - tho incredibly important - seems to go round in circles - seems blocked and stultified. So, a call to Men…. I, and many women I know, are here to hold you safe, so you can do the work that needs to be done. So that we can both fly strong together to a new world of Co-operation and Partnership |
AuthorSystems-Buster, Culture Creator, Visionary, Community -Builder, Writer and Speaker and Facilitator |