(Bello is the shortened form of 'Bellingen' - the town I live in. This is what it looked like BEFORE the trees were cut down.) Tonight I sit with tears pouring down my face, burning deeper lines in my weary face. Today our town square trees were killed. The heart and soul and breath of our town was slowly decimated – limb by limb till they gave their last life-giving breath. Razed to the ground. Ever since I was a child, I looked at humanity with shocked awe, the insensitivity, the stupidity, the disconnection, the barbarity. Did they not know that there is a divine order in the Universe That Mother Earth comes first Always first. That humans, and any other entity’s puny needs must always come second. There is NOTHING if we do not have our Mother. To think I have to shout this to the sky, seems like the ultimate absurdity. I returned back to this town after 17 years of the wilderness in the city to the womb and safety of community. But the corporate tentacles have made their way here too. When I cry out in consternation at why, why, why?.... Follow the money – always follow the money. The best and most well-meaning hearts forced into the narrow confines of the Hegelian Dialectic – the us and them the false dichotomising. Their outcome achieved, not only the heart ripped from our center, but also a community satisfactorily divided, separated, unable to join to fight the real shadows playing with our hearts and minds. Surely a win-win could have been created? If we had been give the opportunity to truly Listen to each other’s hearts and minds? There is always a way if we value what is sacred. But never again to feel those cool branches, Or the ancient silent protection underneath our feet. Home to insects, birds, and the homeless. So what can we do but continue with weary hearts, hoping against hope that one day we will be able to create the world to which we all actually yearn to belong. To me, there is no other journey worth living To remind myself and us all That it is possible, that we can do it. We CAN WAKE UP NOW Because later…. may be too late. The Chrysalis had been curled up in that cocoon for what seemed like an eternity.
Waiting, waiting in the dark Knowing, knowing and hoping But not really knowing That a whole new, never-before-seen world awaited her In that endless darkness, as she grew and expanded and evolved, glimmerings of awareness and rememberings showed her the roadmap. Bit by bit, the pieces of the puzzle slowly began to flow together into one coherent whole. Some parts… clear as a bell And others…shadowy, still forming It had been hard becoming a ‘nothing’. All vestiges of her old self, her old life… some amazing, much quite mediocre. But still it was some form of a life… Slowly disappeared, as step by step Anything that resembled a functioning being was inexorably, unfairly, inexplicably taken away. And over time, as she dissolved into nothingness, The quiet disquiet, the puzzlement, the confusion Was replaced by a silent surrender to something greater, Something wordlessly unseen… in the very, very back of her consciousness, the potent seed, the potentiality, the vision remained. The vision for the New Earth Because you see, as she was disappearing, So too was the Old Earth… the tired, ravaged Old Earth. Mother…Mother Gaia She had become tired of the dark ones ravaging her oceans, soil and air Of the endless wars and political bickering Of the dastardly mass mind control. Of the endless attempts to eradicate in the millions, her beloved unique special humans She had had enough It was time for her to blossom – to flourish, to evolve, to share her bounty with the magnificent, innocent beings living upon her. And in order to do that, she had to throw off the dark ones Like fleas on a cat. And how did she do that?? Well, that’s a whole other story… A story to be told around winter fires With wide eyed children listening rapturously to the stories told by the wise elders Not the sleepers, But the ones who had the courage to know what was going on To question, to fight, to refuse to comply. The Light-Lovers who refused to give in to the dark Who, looking around that fire circle As they now see the glowing potential of those children becoming truly possible They know …that it was ALL worth it. So many heroic stories of death, destruction and delight … but back to Madame Chrysalis. As everything was taken away from her… Friends, family, work, money, achievement, health, youth All the subtle and not so subtle signals of some-bodiness Any vestiges of egoic existence dissipated into the crystalline slime But somewhere in that cocooned darkness, the blueprint remained. She knew that she was not just destined to be a butterfly flutterbying beautifully But also a Crystalline Creator of the New Earth A designer, an ambassador, a seed holder, a visionary, a poet. She saw it clearly… but like layers within layers…quantum fractals… Like a quantum cauliflower, endlessly repeating the same patterns She knew that all that endless waiting and destruction of her some-body-ness Was the essential shaping of a new all that Is-ness. A truly freed creator being Ready to burst forth like a seed unable to hold itself back any more The All that is necessary, the warmth, the moisture, the unstoppable blueprint of that which so many have yearned for in every cell of their being. Our Crystal Chrysalis found herself breaking free from the last confines of her seemingly endless prison. Burst forth with love and skill and powerful intent To at last, do and be what she was designed to do and be. Living the full potential of her divine blueprint. And as the many needed changes began to proliferate across the planet, As the darkness disappeared… The people of Gaia breathed a sigh of relief As at last, after billions of years of pain and suffering and pointless wars and disagreements Peace and Abundance and Creativity engulfed, mesmerised and delighted the people of Mother Earth. And now it begins. Good to see more people waking up about Trump.
Many people - and of course the treasonous Lame Stream Media - have been projecting their shadows upon this great man. And as the shadows drop away, they will begin to see him for who he truly is, as the incredibly kind, generous, funny, insightful, paradigm-shifting great leader that he is. Because they were projecting on him, (helped hugely by the brain-washing mass media) ... they probably weren’t following the backstory, and the incredible plan to rid the planet of the Deep State evil. This has been a huge job and incredibly complex and multi layered. And is now mostly achieved. Now Trump and the Alliance are free to implement the plans that they wanted to in his first term. So now we can look forward to many of his plans trickling down to Australia where our compromised and evil leaders will be removed. And a new era of prosperity peace and freedom will emerge upon the Earth. And no, Trump is NOT the sexual abuser he has been painted to be. All Fake news. For those of you who feel concerned about the Trump removing the Illegals in America... they are going to be just fine.
Already the gravy train is being stopped - no more free food and rent etc. (Imagine how all the 100,000s of homeless AMERICAN people and veterans would have felt if they had had this sort of support??) Well, its stopping for the illegals. At some stage, N.E.S.A.R.A. is going to be called. See graphic below for an overview. And in order to receive this ABUNDANCE, all illegal aliens (not legal immigrants) will have to be back in their homeland to receive it. Each individual, and each country is going to receive an incredible amount of funding.... funding that has been stolen from us over the centuries. So why would an Illegal want to live in a strange country with strange customs and bad food LOL... when you could live in your own beautiful, familiar country?? And remember, in order for N.E.S.A.R.A. to be called, the world has to be at PEACE... freed at last from the war-mongering of the Deep State. So the vast majority of them will be HAPPY to return back to their countries of origin - with their culture and religion and families. With no thought of moving back to America because they will have all they need in their own country. And of course, all Americans and people all around the world are going to share in their version of GESARA Abundance as well. And lets not forget the incredible effects of the GCR - Global Currency Reset... even more abundance for all. Thankyou Trump and the Alliance for working so hard to bring in this new world of Peace, Freedom and Abundance.... FOR ALL! $ Million dollar Relationships $
…what commitment really looks like or how much is your relationship worth? At regular intervals in healthy relationships, one or other of the partners needs to ask for what they want. Paradoxically, it’s not necessarily ‘needy’ to have needs. In essence, if you love someone, you commit to knowing what they need, and you fulfil those needs as best you can, …as long as it causes no great harm to yourself. Some people are natural at guessing their partner’s needs, and others have to be told. If a partner has to be told all the time, then you have a problem relationship. It means that they are not acting with empathy which is the foundation of all good relationships. Empathy means, energetically stepping in the shoes of the other, and really feeling what they are thinking and feeling. You do this guessing game, because you care. The more you do it, the better you get. The one with the need often starts off by innocently, asking their partner to do XYZ. But if they get a negative response, the next choice is often to decide to just grin and bear it… to put up with not having that need met. Then, after a while, as the need is not being met, and the tension starts building up, they may end up being a little sarcastic or controlling or manipulative….i.e. going around the back way to get the need met. Which usually doesn’t work, and ends up hurting the other partner, and/or undermining the trust. It also gives the partner who is not fulfilling the need, the opportunity (should they choose it) to gaslight their partner for behaving badly. Which now puts negative focus on the person who just innocently has a need they would like filled. Never a nice predicament. Both parties are responsible for their response. The asker needs to do it in a skilful manner, and the listener needs to be present and willing to jump into action and do what is required, or re-negotiate a win-win. Some couples are great up to this point, but then one of them struggles with remembering to DO what was asked. They agree to do the request, but just can’t seem to remember to do it. This is where the idea of the million dollar relationship kicks in. So imagine if there was a magic fairy godmother who said she would give you $1 million if you did the thing you agreed to. Would you do it?? Most people sheepishly agree that they probably would… that no matter how bad their memory is, that they would find a way. Interestingly, these people easily turn up to work on time, know exactly when the sports starts on TV, or never forget a hair appointment. Because yes, memory is selective. Unless we actually have a physical memory issue, we remember things that we care about. Not always, but mostly. So the question is – how much do you care about nurturing your relationship – what is your relationship worth?? You know how much it’s worth to you, because you just won’t put it risk. Like a job you love. Like a holiday you have been planning. Like your health… or children. It’s important, so you do what it takes to keep it healthy and happening. All the little seemingly unimportant things, and the bigger things. That’s what commitment means. But how do I remember?!! So, like you do with anything that matters, you commit, you put strategies in place. You put up signs in the bedroom/kitchen etc; alarms on your phone; use NLP or other mind strategies to install it in your subconscious mind. Imagine yourself doing the action, saying “Million dollars!” to yourself, and feeling great that you’ve done it. You do whatever it takes to keep your word and build trust and care into your incredibly valuable relationship. Every time you do this, is like depositing $100 into your Relationship Savings Account. Soon the habit of saying YES to your relationship becomes easier and easier, and you find that at the end of the year, you have a huge account bursting with love and trust and joy and connection … and great sex ;-) UP NEXT Obviously, your partner needs to ask Cleary and Kindly and Skilfully for what they want. And that’s a whole other thing altogether. See next blog. Coming soon! |
AuthorSystems-Buster, Culture Creator, Visionary, Community -Builder, Writer and Speaker and Facilitator Archives
January 2025